Therapeutic Massage Therapy is defined as the mobilization of soft tissue (such as muscle, fascia and body fluids) to restore normal systemic and biomechanical/functional use. It can be used to assist in the treatment of most musculo-skeletal and associated problems, and regular Therapeutic Massage Therapy results in improved circulatory, lymphatic and neurological functioning.

Therapeutic Massage can be stimulating or soothing depending on the technique, depth and speed. Carried out by a Registered Therapist, Therapeutic Massage Therapy is both safe and effective and helps to create balance and harmony.
Today, given the high levels of stress under which many people live, Therapeutic Massage Therapy is not only a highly beneficial therapy, but also one of the healthiest options to improving one’s quality of life.

Benefits of Therapeutic Massage Therapy

Therapeutic Massage Therapy could be a relevant choice of health care in the following areas:

  • Health maintenance and/or health promotion: Promotes general tissue health and encourages lifestyle and general health awareness
  • Stress management: Helps relieve associated muscular tension and encourages general relaxation
  • Post-operative care: Helps reduce recovery period and speeds up elimination of anaesthetic, as well as reducing pain and stiffness associated with bed-rest
  • Emotional and/or psychological disorders: Releases endorphins that help to uplift and reduce depression
  • Terminal illness: Helps reduce pain and discomfort associated with long term bed-rest as well as providing support and reducing the effects of emotional stress for the patient as well as the family
  • Chronic pain: Helps break the “pain spasm” cycle whilst reducing associated muscle tightness
  • Care of the disabled: Provides emotional support as well as assisting in the maintenance of general tissue health
  • Pre and/or post-event sports’ participation: Improves performance and recovery and reduces the likelihood of serious injury.

Our Massage therapists are licensed and proficient in many types of massage including;

  • Deep Tissue, Sports Massage, Prenatal Massage, Lymph Massage, Swedish Massage, and more

Soft Tissue Techniques and Therapies

We are trained in a host of soft tissue techniques, therapeutic exercises and therapeutic stretches that enhance the effects of our treatments.  Trigger Point Therapy, Myofascial Release, Facia Scraping, Active Release Technique and Post Isometric Relaxation Technique just to name a few.